OUR PROJECT - tech4all

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Investigating teachers' practices in using technology for Adult Language Learning (TECH4ALL) aims at meeting one of the main challenges of adult immigrant population in Europe which is to improve their knowledge and competence in linguistic and digital skills. The aim of the project is to support vulnerable social groups and people at risk, especially migrants whose integration in a new social, economical, educational and cultural environment depends highly on their ability to learn the language of the host country.

This project intends to be the collaborative effort of various experts in Adult Language Learning (ALL) across Europe in order to improve their teaching and learning practices.  ALL is an area that has not been researched as much as other areas in language learning have, namely, language acquisition and foreign language teaching to young learners.  Adult learners make up a special group of students, and teaching them should be a pleasurable and constructive experience.

Adult language learning becomes even more challenging when it involves learners of diverse cultural, therefore, linguistic backgrounds.  In that case, teachers should make sure that the most appropriate teaching practices and materials are used in order to meet the needs of such groups.  

This project is also expected to raise the European identity of all participants and strengthen the bonds amongst them.  Through the mobilities, the frequent communication among partners, either face-to-face or virtually, and through the collaborative tasks that will be undertaken in the framework of the project, participants will come closer together,  they will get to know with each other, and they will learn from each other.  Therefore, this project is needed because of its European, comparative, and collaborative nature, and because of the positive impact that it is expected to have on both staff and learners, as well as on the participating institutions in general.


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